Project-related Activities


Project-related Events

Third Reflecting Team with Parents

15th of February 2020, Department of Education, University of Vienna

Third Reflecting Team with Youth

25th of February 2020, Department of Education, University of Vienna

Third Reflecting Team with Professionals

16th of January 2020, Department of Education, University of Vienna


27th of September, FWF-September-Conference "Einblicke in aktuelle Erkenntnisse zu partizipativer Kooperation für Inklusion am Übergang von SEK I in (Aus-)Bildung oder Beschäftigung", Department of Education, University of Vienna, Austria

Workshop with Liz Todd

6th of September 2019, 3rd workshop with cooperation partner Liz Todd (Newcastle University) at ECER 2019, University of Hamburg, Germany

Second Meeting with the Project Advisory Board

21th of February 2019, Department of Education, University of Vienna

Second Reflecting Team with Parents

16th of February 2019, Department of Education, University of Vienna

Second Reflecting Team with Professionals

12th of February 2019, Department of Education, University of Vienna

Research Workshop on Transition

for Doctoral and Master Students
with Karolina Siegert, Institute of Education for Special Needs, Leibniz University Hannover.
13th of February 2019, Department of Education, University of Vienna

Second Reflecting Team with Youth

12th of January 2019, Department of Education, University of Vienna

Second Workshop on Methodoloy of "Reflecting-Teams"

with Prof. Liz Todd (14th of September 2018), Newcastle University, Newcastle, England.

First Reflecting Team with Professionals

10th of January 2018, Department of Education, University of Vienna.

First Reflecting Team with Parents

16th of December 2017, Department of Education, University of Vienna

First Meeting with the Project Advisory Board

16th of November 2017, Department of Education, University of Vienna.

First Reflecting Team with Youth

11th of November 2017, Department of Education, University of Vienna

Second Workshop "Grounded Theory"

with Tewodros Getachew, Addis Ababa University
28th of April 2017, Department of Education, University of Vienna

First Workshop "Grounded Theory"

with Tewodros Getachew, Addis Ababa University
31th of March 2017, Department of Education, University of Vienna 

Research Workshop on Transition

for Doctoral and Master Students
with Bettina Lindmeier, Institute of Education for Special Needs, Leibniz University Hannover.
20th of February 2017, Department of Education, University of Vienna

First Workshop on Methodoloy of "Videoanalysis"

for Doctoral and Master Students
with Liz Todd, School of Education, Communication and Language Sciences, Newcastle University
28th of November 2016, Department of Education, University of Vienna

Conference "Inklusive Übergänge"

(Inter)nationale Perspektiven auf Inklusion im Übergang von der Schule in weitere Bildung, Ausbildung oder Beschäftigung.
25th - 26th of November 2016, Department of Education, University Vienna.

further Information

Vortrag vor Studierenden


57.Jahrestagung der Sektion Sonderpädagogik der DGfE

Helga Fasching (28.09.2022) “Kooperation im systemischen Dreieck: Jugendliche mit Behinderungen und ihre Familien in der Übergangsberatung von der Schule in den Beruf“.

Presentation at 57. Jahrestagung der Sektion Sonderpädagogik der DGfE, 28.-30. September 2022, Halle/ Saale, Martin-Luther-University Halle-Wittenberg.


Helga Fasching (10.09.2022) “Psychological Burdens of Youths with Disabilities at Transition and Support”. Presentation at ECER Conference 2022 “The impact of global realities on the prospects and experiences of educational research” (Network Inclusive Education) 01.-10.09.2022 (ECER Plus, Online), Yerevan State University, Armenia.

Annual Conference for Research in Education (ACRE)

Helga Fasching (14.07.2022) “Participative cooperation during transition: experiences of young people with disabilities in Austria”. Presentation at Annual Conference for Research in Education (ACRE), “Transitions and Transformations: Educational Research in Rapidly Changing Contexts”, Edge Hill University, Ormskirk, UK.

BAS- Fachtage 2021

Helga Fasching (06.10.2021) "Inklusive Ausbildung- die Perspektive Jugendlicher mit Behinderung". Presentation at BAS- Tage 2021 (Berufsausbildungsassistenz-Fachtage), Dabei (Dachverband berufliche Integration Austria), Kardinal König Haus, Vienna, AT (online- invitation).

ECER Conference 2021

Helga Fasching, Liz Todd (06.09.2021): "Reflecting Teams with Youth with Disabilities and their Parents in the Transition Process from School to Work. Experiences from the Thrid Phase"

Presentation at ECER Conference 2021 "Research for the benefit of education and society, Geneva (online)

Presentation and Workshop

Helga Fasching (7.11.2020): "Ich schaffe es!... und noch besser mit Unterstützung- Wie kann durch eine partizipative Kooperation für Jugendliche mit Behinderung die aktive Teilhabe und Mitgestaltung im Berufswahl- und Entscheidungsprozess ermöglicht werden?" as part of the conference "Jugendliche zwischen Traumberuf und Realität. Interkantonale Hochschule für Heilpädagogik Zürich (HfH), 7. November Zurich (online due to Covid 19).

IFO 2020

Fasching, Helga/Felbermayr, Katharina/Engler, Simone (25.02.2020): „Es war wirklich cool“ – Reflexionen zum 2. Reflecting Team Jugendliche mit Behinderung.

Felbermayr, Katharina (28.02.2020): „Making a decision outside the box“ – Wie ein Jugendlicher mit Sehbehinderung aus der gesellschaftlichen Norm-Box ausbricht und sich für den Besuch einer höheren Schule entscheidet.

Paper as part of the "34th IFO Conference", February 25th-28th 2020, Vienna, Austria.

Felbermayr, Katharina (27.02.2020): Der Entscheidungsprozess vor und nach dem inklusiven Übergang von SEK I in SEK II.

Poster as part of the "34th IFO Conference", February 25th-28th 2020, Vienna, Austria.


Fasching, Helga (27.09.2019): Kooperation für Inklusion - Wie geht das?

Felbermayr, Katharina (27.09.2019): Bildungsentscheidung als Teamentscheidung?! Wie partizipative Entscheidungen am inklusiven Übergang in Familien getroffen werden.

Engler, Simone (27.09.2019): Partizipative Kooperation am Fallbeispiel "Sara Grün"

Presentations at the FWF-September-Conference "Einblicke in aktuelle Erkenntnisse zu partizipativer Kooperation für Inklusion am Übergang von SEK I in (Aus-)Bildung oder Beschäftigung", 27.09.2019, Department of Education, University of Vienna, Austria.

ECER 2019

Felbermayr, Katharina/Engler, Simone/Fasching, Helga (06.09.2019): Giving Voice and Power to Youth with Disabilities through Reflecting Teams - Experiences from the Second Research Phase.

Paper as part of the Symposium at the "ECER Conference 2019", September 2nd-6th 2019, University of Hamburg, Germany.


Felbermayr, Katharina (29.06.2019): Making a decision for higher education!?

Poster-Presentation at the international conference "Disability Studies & Participation in Higher Education: Interdisciplinary International Symposium", June 27th-29th 2019, Universitiy of Innsbruck, Austria.


Fasching, Helga/Felbermayr, Katharina/Engler, Simone (02.05.2019): “Cooperation for Inclusion in Educational Transition” (FWF-Project).

Poster-Presentation at the conference "Inclusive Education. Giving students a voice", Vienna, Austria.

DGfE 2019

Engler, Simone/Fasching, Helga (29.06.2019): Inklusive Berufsberatung? Eine Analyse zu Macht, Empowerment und Selbstbestimmung von Jugendlichen mit sog. "Behinderung" am Übergang von SEK I in (Aus-)Bildung.

Interpretation at the Forschungswerkstatt "Inklusive Berufsberatung?", Arbeitstagung der AG Inklusionsforschung in der DGfE, June 28th-29th 2019, PH Freiburg i.Br., Germany.

Felbermayr, Katharina/Fasching, Helga (14.06.2019): "Und das wird noch weiter gehen, ja." Einblick in den Ist-Stand des FWF-Projektes "Kooperation für Inklusion in Bildungsübergängen"

Presentation at the Workshop "Inklusion und Exklusion im Übergang von der Schule in den Beruf", Zentrum für Inklusionsforschung Berlin, June 13th-14th 2019, Berlin, Germany.

Fasching, Helga (13.06.2019): Inklusive Übergänge von der Schule in Ausbildung und Beruf erforschen. Befunde aus Österreich.

Public Speech at the Workshop "Inklusion und Exklusion im Übergang von der Schule in den Beruf", Zentrum für Inklusionsforschung Berlin, June 13th-14th 2019, Berlin, Germany.

KOST Jugend - Bildung - Beschäftigung

Fasching, Helga (09.11.2018): "Kooperieren in und mit dem System. Kooperative Übergangsplanung von Jugendlichen mit Behinderung, deren Eltern und Professionellen".

Presentation at the expert conference "Inklusion in Ausbildung und Arbeit – Wege und Erfolge in Wien" der Koordinationsstelle Jugend – Bildung – Beschäftigung on behalf of AMS, FSW, SMS und WAFF

DGfE 2018

Fasching, Helga/Felbermayr, Katharina (28.09.2018): Reflecting-Teams mit Jugendlichen mit Behinderung und ihren Eltern in der Erforschung inklusiver Übergänge:

Paper-Presentation at the 53. Arbeitstagung Sektion Sonderpädagogik, DGfE , September 26th-28th 2018, Hamburg, Germany.


Felbermayr, Katharina (27.09.2018): „… ein Gefühl wie ein Fallen durch Wolken“ – Das Erleben von Bildungsentscheidungen am Übergang von SEK I in SEK II aus Sicht der Betroffenen.

Paper-Presentation at the 53. Arbeitstagung Sektion Sonderpädagogik, DGfE , September 26th-28th 2018, Hamburg, Germany.

BERA Conference 2018

Fasching, Helga/Felbermayr, Katharina (12.09.2018): „Can it be a bit of research ethics?" - Ethical challenges in getting access to the research field”.

Paper-Presentation at the "BERA Conference 2018", September 11th-13th 2018, Northumbria University, Newcastle, England.

ECER 2018

Felbermayr, Katharina (06.09.2018): „Who makes the educational decision?” The experiences of students with disability and their parents at the inclusive transition process from SEC I to SEC II.

Paper-Presentation at the "ECER Conference 2018", September 3rd-7th 2018, Freie Universität Bozen, Italy.


Fasching, Helga/Felbermayr, Katharina/Siegert, Karolina/Lindmeier, Bettina/Hofmann, Claudia (05.09.2018): Cross-Country Perspectives. Transitions and Perspectives: Quantitative - Qualitative - Participative.

Symposium at the "ECER Conference 2018", September 3rd-7th 2018, Freie Universität Bozen, Italy.

Presentation at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem

Fasching, Helga (06.02.2018): "Research on Inclusive Transitions from School to Work in Austria with focus on Methodology and Field Access".

Presentation at The Harry S. Truman Research Institute for The Advancement of Peace, Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Israel.

32. Internationale Jahrestagung der Inklusionsforscher*innen

Hubmayer, Astrid/Felbermayr, Katharina/Fasching, Helga (23.02.2018): "'Ohne Beziehung geht es nicht!' - Die Bedeutung von Beziehungen in der Erforschung kooperativer Übergangsplanung"

Presentation at the "32. Internationalen Jahrestagung der Inklusionsforscher*innen: Inklusion im Spannungsfeld von Normalität und Diversität",  February 21st-24th 2018, Gießen, Germany.

Felbermayr, Katharina (21.02.2018): "'Irgendwann muss eine Entscheidung getroffen werden!' - Bildungsentscheidungen am Übergang Schule -Beruf im Kontext der Inklusiven Pädagogik"

Presentation at the "32. Internationalen Jahrestagung der Inklusionsforscher*innen: Inklusion im Spannungsfeld von Normalität und Diversität",  February 21st-24th 2018, Gießen, Germany.

5. European Congress on Family Science

Fasching, Helga/Felbermayr, Katharina/Hubmayer, Astrid (10.11.2017): "Bildungsübergänge - Wege der Kooperation?"

Presentation at the "5th European Congress on Family Science", 9th-11th of November 2017, University of Vienna, Austria.

further Information

Systemic Research Day, OeAS

Fasching, Helga/Felbermayr, Katharina/Hubmayer, Astrid (02.10.2017): "Cooperation for Inclusion in Educational Transitions."

Poster Presentation and moderated Dialogues at the "Systemic Research Day", ÖAS, Sigmund Freud University Vienna, Austria.

3rd International Conference on Transitions in Youth, Young Adulthood and Beyond (TREE)

Felbermayr, Katharina/Hubmayer, Astrid/Fasching, Helga (29.09.2017): "Working collaborative in the field of transition"

Presentation at the "3rd International Conference on Transitions in Youth, Young Adulthood and Beyond (TREE)", September 29th-30th 2017, University of Bern, Switzerland.

further Information

ECER Conference 2017

Fasching, Helga/Felbermayr, Katharina/Hubmayer, Astrid/Siegert, Karolina/Lindmeier, Bettina/Todd, Liz (25.08.2017): "Nothing about you, without you": Exploring Transitions from School to Work or Study for Disabled Young People.

Symposium at the "ECER Conference 2017", August 22nd - 25th 2017, University College UCC, Campus Carlsberg, Copenhagen, Denmark.

Felbermayr, Katharina/Hubmayer, Astrid/Fasching, Helga (23.08.2017): "Experiences of Collaborations in Transitions - First Research Results"

Paper-Presentation at the "ECER Conference 2017", August 22nd - 25th 2017, University College UCC, Campus Carlsberg, Copenhagen, Denmark.

further Information

International Interdisciplinary Symposium on 'Family, Rights and Disability'

Fasching, Helga/Felbermayr, Katharina/Hubmayer, Astrid (24.06.2017): "Collaboration with Families for Inclusion in Educational Transition"

Presentation at the "International Interdisciplinary Symposium on 'Family, Rights and Disability". June 23th - 24th 2017, University of Innsbruck, Austria.

further Information

Conference "Beziehungen in pädagogischen Arbeitsfeldern"

Fasching, Helga/Hubmayer, Astrid/Felbermayr, Katharina (12.06.2017): "Partizipative Kooperation für Inklusion in Bildungsübergängen"

Presentation at "Beziehungen in pädagogischen Arbeitsfeldern". June 12th 2017, Department of Education, University of Vienna, Austria.

Federal Ministry of Labour, Social Affairs and Consumer Protection and Federal Ministry of Education

Fasching, Helga/Felbermayr, Katharina/Hubmayer, Astrid (04.05.2017): "Kooperation für Inklusion in Bildungsübergängen - Projektvorstellung und Präsentation des Forschungsvorhabens"

Presentation at the Federal Ministry of Labour, Social Affairs and Consumer Protection and Federal Ministry of Education, Vienna, Austria.

31. Internationale Jahrestagung der Inklusionsforscher*innen

Fasching, Helga/Hubmayer, Astrid/Felbermayr, Katharina (23.02.2017): "Kooperation für Inklusion in Bildungsübergängen - Projektkonzeption und erste Ergebnisse"

Presentation at the "IFO (InklusionsforscherInnen-Tagung) 2017: System. Wandel. Entwicklung". February 22nd-25th 2017, Pädagogische Hochschule Oberösterreich, Linz, Austria.

  further Information

University of Cyprus

Fasching, Helga (06.02.2017): "From School to Work: Transition Process of Austrian School Leavers with Disability"

Public presentation at the University of Cyprus, Nicosia, Cyprus.

Conference on "Inclusive Transitions"

Fasching, Helga (25.11.2016): "Inklusive Übergänge erforschen"

Presentation at the Conference "Inklusive Übergänge. (Inter)nationale Perspektiven auf Inklusion im Übergang von der Schule in weitere Bildung, Ausbildung oder Beschäftigung". Department of Education, University of Vienna, November 25th - 26th 2016, Vienna, Austria.

further Information

ECER Conference 2016

Fasching, Helga (25.08.2016): "Participative Cooperation In Educational Transition Processes Of
Adolescents With Disabilities"

Presentation at the "ECER (The European Conference on Educational Research) 2016: Leading Education: The Distinct Contributions of Educational Research and Researchers". August 23th - 26th 2016, Dublin.

further Information